The long-running manga series "Yu Yu Hakusho" debuted in 1990 and was later adapted into a popular anime. The story follows a student who is brought back from the dead to work as a "Spirit Detective", fighting supernatural crime. Now, iconic characters from Yu Yu Hakusho are being brought to life in Kotobukiya's ARTFX J figure line!
The main protagonist Yusuke Urameshi, a troubled delinquent with a strong moral compass, is being released as a figure. Yusuke is posed with his arms crossed and wearing his school jacket draped over his shoulders. His slicked-back hair and intense expression capture the character's tough attitude.
The figure's green jacket is removable, and the body is poseable. A mini figure of Puu, Yusuke's spirit beast companion, is also included - it can be positioned next to Yusuke or perched on his head. Displaying his base alongside the other Yu Yu Hakusho figures will help recreate the world of the series.
A timeless classic that remains popular today, add Kotobukiya's Yu Yu Hakusho figures to your collection and relive the magic!