Gene Belcher is seated on a fancy electric toilet. Bidet? Don't mind if I bidoo! Please, sit to create a profile. Seated at 4.4 inches tall, Gene wears a yellow shirt, shorts, and red sneakers with white socks. He has a sculpted mouth and nose, and has both fists in the air showing how excited he is to be on such a fancy toilet. That brings us to the toilet itself, with all of it's fancy high tech elements added in. The double walled window box shows an illustration of the scene of the toilet in the middle of a forest, spraying a geyser of water from the bowl. This figure ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve.
Bob's Burgers is an American animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard. It follows Bob Belcher, a third-generation restaurateur who run's Bob's Burgers with his wife and three children.