The original Yu Yu Hakusho manga was first published in 1990 and ran for several years before being adapted into a popular anime series. The story follows a student who dies and is resurrected as a "Spirit Detective", tasked with fighting supernatural crime. Now, the beloved characters from Yu Yu Hakusho are being brought to life as figures in the ARTFX J line!
Kurama, once a demon fox who now inhabits a human body, is being made into a figure. His signature features like his green eyes, red hair, and graceful battle stance are meticulously recreated. Kurama's ability to weaponize plants is represented by the rose he holds, which is intricately detailed.
The figure comes with interchangeable parts so you can display Kurama holding either two roses or his iconic Rose Whip. Placing his base next to bases of other Yu Yu Hakusho figures will further recreate the world of the series.
With enduring popularity decades after its debut, the Yu Yu Hakusho figures from Kotobukiya let you add pieces of this classic anime to your collection.addition to any anime collection.