Experience the epic world of Shaman King through the Elite Fusion Diorama 1/6 Yoh statue. Join Yoh, a determined young shaman from the powerful Asakura family, as he faces off against his estranged twin brother, Hao. With Yoh's family heirloom knife and Amidamaru's treasured sword, the two powerful shamans engage in an intense battle for ultimate supremacy. This masterpiece, part of the Elite Fusion line from Figurama, captures the intensity and intricacies of the Shaman Fight tournament as Yoh and his loyal Guardian Ghost, Amidamaru, take on the formidable Hao and the Spirit of Fire. With stunning details, realistic diecast metal, and carefully placed easter eggs, this 1/6 scale diorama is a must-have for any passionate fan of Shaman King. Don't miss your chance to own one of only 500 pieces, complete with an exclusive art print and signed certificate of authenticity from Figurama Collectors CEO.